Russia is the world’s biggest country which touches its border with Europe and North Asia. The country has immense diversity where different religion people, culture, speaking many languages, and area-wise diversity you can see and feel during the travel. Compare to other destinations like Europe or Asia, Russia is different and there is full of beautiful monuments, natural sites, rivers, the biggest and deepest lakes. Most of the Russian population is concentrated in the western part of the country, especially surrounding Moscow which is the capital of Russia. Two major cities of Russia – Moscow and St. Petersburg (formerly known as Leningrad) is the most important financial and cultural centre of Russia. Both cities are also the most picturesque in the world as well. The country has been founded in 12th century which was emerging over the 200 years of Mongol domination (13th – 15th CE) and it was continued. After, Romanov dynasty has been found in (1613 – 1917 AD) and under Peter I (ruled 1682 – 1725 AD) who was one of the greatest leaders of Russian history. He followed expansion policy and extended to the Baltic Sea and country was renamed the Russian Empire. Expansion of Russia was continued till 19th century in Romanov dynasty and many territorial acquisitions were made in Europe and Asia. Russia has been defeated badly in Russo – Japanese war in 1904 – 05 which was the main reason of Russian revolution in 1905 and after major reforms happened including formation of a parliament. Due to the World War I, food crisis happened which led to riots has been started in major cities of Russia which resulted overthrow of the Romanov Dynasty in 1917. After, the communist government had been found under Vladimir Lenin. In 1991, USSR has been separated into 14 other independent countries.
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Seven-day program is the most popular and visited…
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